Wednesday, June 18, 2008

NYC: The Final Countdown

Let's Blog it Out is moving locations! That's right folks, I have up and quit my job and I'm moving back to the fair city of Charlottesville, Virginia where I have already lived twice before (from 1999-2002 and 8 brief months in 2003, respectively).

Why did New York and I break up? I'm not really sure what happened. It was one of those break-ups that occur without warning but you know are oh so right. I'll probably talk more about that in later posts when I gather some distance from my heartbreak.

So what can you, the five readers, expect from Let's Blog it Out in the future? Since I haven't lived in Charlottesville since I was but a wee 23, I can only tell you from past experience that you will be won over by posts about: making out on bikes! drinking in horse pastures in your debutante dress! dance parties in the dirty basements of sushi restaurants! pretentious tea drinking! and congestion driving!

While the future of Let's Blog it Out will probably contain 100% less posts about homeless men peeing on the street and subway traffic, I, your faithful author, will do my best to make sure that LBIO (whew that was long) will maintain it's maximum level of awesomeness no matter what.

Now I'm off to write my New York City bucket list. Stay tuned.


1 comment:

baconfat said...

good luck finding a sushi restaurant with a dirty basement!