Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Can I Quit You Facebook?

Brutha. Aka buddy

Dear Internet. My name is Daisy and I'm a distraction addict.


Last Monday morning I pulled the plug on Facebook.

I didn't delete, well aware of the all powerful, "I'm Leaving FOREVER!" proclamations that usually turn to dust the moment you learn that someone has posted a photo YOU HAVE TO SEE. I just pressed pause.

A couple of weeks ago my whole family convened in North Carolina for four days of hiking, swimming, canoeing, and stand-up paddle board. 

But then it rained. 
And rained.
And rained some more. (And my step-dad informed us that actually Western North Carolina counts as a temperate rain forest because it rains so much.)

So I had four days of no internet, no tv, no ac, and 1x of cell service. I still had my phone which was now basically an electronic crossword machine and the Pony Express of text messaging. 


Instead of having internet to idle my hours I read a book. I played with Lil' D. Family came over from their cabin to sit on our cabin porch to hang out and drink a beer. The older kids rolled balls endlessly with Lil' D. The put her in "jail" (the pack n'play) repeatedly. She loved it. I watched my CNN obsessed mom teach a 6 year old how to play solitaire. I sang karaoke with my 72 year old step-dad (who loved it so much he wants to hire a karaoke guy for our next gathering). And the best part of all the news came in quietly as newspaper headlines that I chose to ignore (remember how peaceful newspapers are!)

I suddenly remembered being young and bored all summer long (we didn't have cable) and how much more stuff I got done out of boredom. Books read. Plays performed. Piano practiced. I've been letting the internet (or TV or whatever my current poison) distract me from livin' for such a long time!

On Day 4 of rainy wilderness I decided I needed more boredom and less mindless distraction.

Hopefully it lasts a while.


Katherine said...

You're going to love life on the other side. (From someone who has pressed pause twice in the past few years). It's a great way to recalibrate and refocus without status updates getting in the way.

Daisy said...

So far I don't miss it at ALL. It's pretty amazing. I've given Facebook up for Lent before and missed it like crazy. This time I'm feelin' o.k.